Dogs No Dogs
Lake · River/Creek · Views · Waterfall
Upper reaches of trail are snowbound in winter. Avalanche dangers exist, winter navigation skills required.
Runner Notes
A great run, but watch for roots, rocks and downfall year round.
Flapjack Lakes are smallish lakes, but are gorgeous, and are well worth the effort to reach them. Once you reach the lakes, the little-talked about Sawtooth Range of the Olympics can be seen. The views, during the right lighting and seasons can be breathtaking. If you are lucky, the wind will be calm, the bugs will be low, and you'll be able to see a perfect reflection of these seasonally-popular lakes. There is also a pretty rad waterfall near the lakes!
The trail itself has a few moderate climbs, but overall is quite pleasant. Starting from the intersection with the
North Fork Skokomish River Trail, this trail continues to gain elevation and trend generally in a northeast direction, until it comes to its end at the Flapjack Lakes, and the
Gladys Divide Trail and Smith Lake Trail.
Shared By:
Doug Scott
with improvements
by Maura Treaccar