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Commonly Backpacked · Lake · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
The views begin early on and continue throughout this High Sierra classic. The trail varies from smooth dirt among pines to decomposed granite amongst boulders above treeline. There are options to visit beautiful alpine lakes by taking short connector trails.
Runner Notes
This loop contains a 5 mile section of road, which can be avoided by using two cars. There are plans to construct a trail connecting the bottom of this trail to make a complete singletrack loop.
Hole In The Ground begins at a trailhead approximately 1/4 mile north of the I-80 Boreal Ski Resort exit. There is a large sign and map at the trailhead for your reference. You need high-clearance 4WD to reach this trailhead, but without it you can simply park at the lower trailhead and run the
Castle Valley Road to this point.
From the jeep road, Hole In The Ground trail begins climbing switchbacks on smooth dirt through pine forest. You'll ascend above treeline while traversing Andesite Ridge until coming to a high point with a lookout across Castle Valley to Castle Peak.
The trail then descends among large granite features. At a point 5.2 miles from the trailhead, there is an option to take the end of the
Sand Ridge Lake Trail on the left to Sand Ridge Lake, a 1/4 mile connector well worth the view.
After continuing on Hole In The Ground, you'll cross a forest service road and at the 10 mile mark, there is another connector to the right providing access to Lower Lola Montez Lake, about 1/10 of a mile off the trail.
After this, the trail quickly descends on loose, rocky terrain with large step-downs built from railroad ties. At the bottom of this section, make a left on a gravel road and follow it for approximately 1 mile to another short section of trail leading to Sheritt lane, a paved road.
In order to return to your starting point, you'll have to travel just under 5 miles on road. Take a right on Sheritt. You'll end up at a fire station. You could choose to leave a vehicle here in order to set shuttle. Otherwise, continue running Donner Pass road to return 5 miles to Boreal Ski Resort.
Shared By:
Jco25 Colby
with improvements
by Jesse Weber
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