Dogs Leashed
Lake · River/Creek
Lower Hadlock Trail provides a peaceful run along Lower Hadlock Pond. It begins along an access road and runs beside private property, so stay on the the trail and respect the privacy of the home owners. After a tenth of a mile, the trail arrives at a junction, with the trail going to the right and going out to State Route 3. The
Lower Hadlock Trail breaks off to the left and descends down to the pond.
From here, it runs along the shore of the pond underneath mainly pine trees, making the trail nice and soft. The trail rolls gently as it makes its way around the pond and offers nice views of the pond. The trail finally drops down to the junction with the
Hadlock Ponds Trail where you can either go to the right and make your way out to the road and Upper Hadlock Pond or you go to the left and follow the shore of the pond.
The trail will get back to the far side of the pond, where you can run on the road back to where you left your car. There are signs warning not to park down the access road, so find a spot along State Route 3 and make your way down to the pond.
Shared By:
Trail Run Project Staff
with improvements
by David Hitchcock