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Run across one of the Seven Wonders of the World... TWICE!

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8,178' 2,493 m


2,454' 748 m


10,919' 3,328 m


10,919' 3,328 m



Avg Grade (5°)


Max Grade (31°)

Dogs No Dogs

Features River/Creek · Views · Waterfall

Bright Angel Trail beyond Havasupai Gardens (Mile 4.5) is CLOSED through May 15, 2025 due to construction of the new Transcanyon Waterline. South Kaibab and North Kaibab trails remain open. Check the national park website for current updates.


A Grand Canyon double crossing (Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim) is a legendary accomplishment, but one that is very doable for any serious hiker with proper training and preparation. There are multiple ways to complete the R2R2R. The route shown here--Bright Angel to North Kaibab and back--is ideal for backpackers on a multiday trip because of the better water and camping options. Runners and anyone attempting the crossing in a day usually prefer South Kaibab over Bright Angel Trail because it is more direct.

The unique aspect of crossing the Grand Canyon is that you first descend 9 miles, then run mostly flat across the floor for 7 miles, before hitting the steepest part of the North Kaibab Trail where you'll climb 7 miles up a 15% - 20% grade. Pacing yourself is the key to finishing R2R2R. Expect to travel much slower than you would on any other backpacking trip.

Need to Know

Fall and spring are the perfect time for this crossing. The Bright Angel Trail is two miles longer (4 if it's an out and back) than the traditional route of South Kaibab. But having your car a few feet away after running 48 miles and climbing 14K feet is invaluable. You are soaked from sweat or rain, and it's freezing at both Rims.

Runner Notes

If you are an organized group of 30+, or are a guide (meaning you are getting paid for guiding people across the Grand Canyon), you'll need to obtain a permit. Be EXTRA polite to hikers, don't stash packs or food, yield to mule trains, and BE PREPARED for all the usual hazards including flash flooding. IF you decide to only do one crossing go to the North Rim lodge and try to get a ride with Trans Canyon Shuttle service, be aware that maybe they'll have a seat available, but it will cost about $100 for the 4 hour drive back to South Rim. CARRY cash on you "just in case" you need a mule ride out, shuttle back, or that awesome t-shirt at the North Rim Lodge.


Starting with the Bright Angel Trail allows you to park close to the trailhead and not rely on shuttles or parking restrictions. A 4am start allows you to be in the dark a little on the front end of your journey and a little on the back end, which is preferable to running through the night.

Descend the Bright Angel Trail to the Colorado River, through Bright Angel Campground, and then head up the North Kaibab Trail.

Views on the Bright Angel Trail are framed by massive cliffs. The majority of this trails elevation change takes place in the upper four miles of trail via a series of switchbacks that can seem endless. Be sure to utilize the resthouses and seasonal water sources along the way (there are composting toilets at Mile-and-a-Half Resthouse, but no toilets at Three-Mile Resthouse).

Approaching Indian Garden, the trail flattens out considerably as it crosses the shaley and desolate Tonto Platform. Indian Garden is an oasis in the canyon that was used by Native Americans up to modern times. Below Indian Garden, the trail follows a creek through a meandering gully of water sculpted stone and shimmering cottonwood trees. The trail becomes steep once again where this gully empties into the broad, bowl-shaped Pipe Creek drainage. This section of trail, affectionately referred to as the Devils Corkscrew, is brutally hot during the summer months and should therefore only be attempted during the early morning or late evening hours.

There are no potable water sources between Indian Garden and Bright Angel Campground. A composting toilet is located near the River Resthouse. From the Pipe Creek/River Resthouse area to Bright Angel Campground, the trail traverses exposed sand dunes for over a mile until reaching the silver bridge across the Colorado River. From here head cross the Silver Bridge and start on the North Kaibab Trail.

The North Kaibab Trail is the first challenging ascent as you'll climb 7 miles up a 15% - 20% grade. Pacing yourself is the key to finishing R2R2R. Along the North Kaibab trail you have the option to take a short spur trail to Ribbon Falls or Roaring Springs.

Now you are at the half way mark! Go back and cross the same way that you came.

Flora & Fauna

Keep your eyes out for big horn sheep, as that will be your special gift if you see one. Elk are everywhere on the rim, but remember to admire them from afar.

History & Background

The Grand Canyon is the oldest geological wonder of the world. Looking down on it from the rim is not fully understanding it's amazing beauty - you have to venture below the rim for the full experience.


Shared By:

Cyndi Wyatt with improvements by Benjamin Chapman and 2 others

Trail Ratings

  5.0 from 88 votes


in South Rim


  5.0 from 88 votes
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in South Rim


in Arizona


1,728 Views Last Month
177,087 Since Nov 9, 2015
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Coming down Bright Angel.
Apr 7, 2015 near Grand C…, AZ
This bridge provides quite the view.
Jul 1, 2017 near Grand C…, AZ
Bighorn Sheep crossing the Bright Angel Trail on our way to Plateau Point.
Jun 11, 2016 near Grand C…, AZ
Grand Canyon National Park: Bright Angel Trail - Sunset
Apr 1, 2020 near Grand C…, AZ
Always satisfying looking back down at Devils Corkscrew after feeling the burn on the way up.
Jun 15, 2018 near Grand C…, AZ
Bright Angle Trail- South Rim
Jan 25, 2016 near Grand C…, AZ
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58°F · 45°F 14°C · 7°C
50°F · 31°F 10°C · -1°C
46°F · 32°F 8°C · 0°C
52°F · 30°F 11°C · -1°C
62°F · 39°F 17°C · 4°C
68°F · 41°F 20°C · 5°C

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Add Your Check-In


Oct 25, 2023
Melanie Zaffran
Did the SK -> NK-> BA route. Casual pace, with lots of short stops. Started at 5am, finished at 11pm. Beautiful day, didn't suffer form heat. 47mi — 18h 00m
Oct 20, 2023
Atsuko Ohtake
Oct 3, 2022
sss S
R2R w Kim
May 29, 2022
Liz Roux
27 hours total 4 hours not included (break) Sunset to sunset 50mi — 18h 12m
May 4, 2022
Alex Nikitin 52mi
Apr 12, 2022
Jason R
Apr 11, 2022
Jason R
Dec 3, 2021
Michelle Staebell
March 2025

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