Dogs Leashed
Birding · River/Creek · Views · Waterfall · Wildlife
Matthiessen State Park is open from dawn until dusk.
Swimming, wading, scrambling on the rocks, and possessing alcohol are all prohibited in Matthiessen State Park.
Runner Notes
This trail's unique surroundings and often rocky tread makes this a fun obstacle course for those looking to challenge themselves. Be careful in the damp, and be prepared for wet shoes.
Interior Canyon Trail offers visitors a distinct traverse that's a bit of a hodgepodge as it alternates between stairs, rocky sections, and smooth trail throughout. When you're not busy figuring out how best to get from point A to B, the terrific canyon this trail follows provides a wonderful array of waterfalls, crevices, and pools to view. When in doubt, follow the green marker posts to stay on trail.
There's a pretty good chance runners will get their feet wet when water levels are high.
Shared By:
Eric Ashley