Dogs Leashed
River/Creek · Swimming · Wildflowers
Generally not accessible from December to May.
Runner Notes
Small creeks have bridge crossings; watch out for bikers on trail.
The South Fork Nation Recreation Trail is a scenic and gentle climb up the South Fork Trinity River in Shasta-Trinity National Forest into the Yolla Bolly - Middle Eel Wilderness. The first 7.2 miles is a popular and easy former wagon road that is a now a wide doubletrack dirt path, commonly used by families and mountain bikers. Several small picturesque bridges allow easy crossing over the river. The remaining 9-10 miles is more rarely traveled.
Flora & Fauna
Pacific yew, Golden Chinquapin, madrone, Douglas fir, cedars, maples, pine, oaks, blackberry, thimbleberry, rattlesnakes, poison oak
Shared By:
Dara Zimmerman