Dogs Off-leash
Closed to motorized vehicles during wet weather conditions. Check with the BLM Royal Gorge Field Office at 719-269-8500 for current conditions.
Runner Notes
Oil Well Flats features natural-surface, singletrack trails. On Island in the Sky, you'll encounter some technical terrain that is rocky and requires some fancy footwork. The views are incredible!
From the top of
Unconformity Trail, take a right on the dirt road and follow it to the right at the "Y". The trail comes in on the left off of this dirt road. You'll see an intersection with
Fire Canyon Trail after a little ways. Keep to the left. Follow the singletrack for about a mile when you'll come to a dirt road intersection. Keep going straight and follow the singletrack that comes in on your left. Crest over the ridge and follow the trail down to the rim overlooking the Arkansas River Valley and Cañon City. Keep following the trail north and enjoy the scenery.
You'll see an obvious trail on your left. Take this if you want to begin the descent. Otherwise keep going straight to the overlook out and back where the rock drops off on three sides and look for bigfoot's toe imprinted in the rocks. Enjoy the view, turn around, and take the steep trail which is now on your right. Enjoy the fun downhill until you come out onto the intersection with
Fire Canyon Trail.
Shared By:
Kalem Lenard
with improvements
by Ashlee Sack