Dogs Leashed
Need to Know
The Jones Creek Day Use area has bathrooms and parking. This is a busy ATV use area, so be on the lookout when crossing roads.
This loop includes part of the
Wilson River Trail and can be reached from the Jones Creek Campground, Jones Creek Day Use Area, Jones Creek Equestrian Trailhead, and the Tillamook Forest Center.
The loop provides a nice run for people staying in the campground or using the day use area. Starting in the Jones Creek Day Use area, head downstream along the WIlson River towards the Tillamook Forest Center. Take a right at the meadow and head north towards the campground. Follow the loop around to the Equestrian Trailhead, crossing the dirt road at the 4-way intersection.
Take a right where the equestrian trail connector meets the Wilson and head south back towards the day use area. Cross the road to complete the loop.
Flora & Fauna
Sword fern, sitka spruce, red alder, western red cedar.
Shared By:
Samantha Goodwin