Dogs Leashed
Fall Colors · Views · Wildflowers
If you can stomach the innumerable switchbacks up loose rock for the first half of this run, the reward is great views from two summits. Fun ridge-line running and the possibility of seeing marmots and pika.
Need to Know
The moderate exposure along the ridgelines may give some people with acrophobia a little concern. Be sure to start early and go on a clear day with no chance of thunderstorms or weather. The whole second half is above treeline with no escape routes and it is very prone to lightning strikes. Hiking poles and sturdy footwear are highly recommended.
Runner Notes
Very loose and treacherous footing for nearly the entire length!
Starting at the camping area just off
La Plata Canyon Road, head downhill towards the stream. At low water the crossing is easy enough over partially submerged rocks, but during the spring run off this crossing is not recommended.
The first half of this route is an old mining road that switchbacks interminably uphill. The very steep doubletrack surface is extremely loose with small, rocks that roll underfoot. There is lots of shade here from pines and aspens. You'll get a few brief glimpses of the surrounding mountains through the trees as you climb.
After about 3 miles, you finally leave the doubletrack. Look for a skinny, steep singletrack trail that somehow climbs even more steeply up the hillside. After an improbably steep pitch through stunted evergreens, you emerge above treeline.
From here, you travel the ridge over scree and larger rocks. Some old mining claims are marked with sticks and there are old mines all over the hillsides. Clamber ever upwards towards the summit of Deadwood Mountain at 12,274 feet.
There is a small cairn at the top and sweeping views in all directions. You can see Lizard Head, Hesperus, Engineer, The Needles, Lake Nighthorse and down into the town of Durango.
From here, head southeast and gently downhill over the grassy knoll. Continue downhill more steeply over slide-y tussocks towards the lower ridgeline. Travel over the ridgelines is arguably easier going than all the loose rock that preceded it, but those who are not surefooted will need to take it slow.
A stumble and fall along here would be very dangerous. Traverse the ridgeline over rocky outcrops and more talus. After a few more ups and downs, you finally approach the summit of Silver Mountain up one last grunt of an ascent. This summit is at 12,389 feet and has slightly different but still wonderful views in all directions. After a well-deserved rest at the top, retrace your steps back down!
Besides the altitude, what makes this run so challenging is the tricky footing that requires constant vigilance (and of course the punishingly steep grade).
History & Background
Lots of mine tailings, mine claims and markers around here. The La Plata Mountains get their name from "la plata" in Spanish which means silver - for all the silver mining that was done in the area.
Shared By:
Megan W
with improvements
by Greg Heil