Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fishing · Lake · River/Creek · Swimming · Views · Wildlife
This is a great trail if you are looking for a moderately long day hike from Lake Louise Road. This road is well maintained and the trailhead can be reached from South Pass or Sinks Canyon. The trail stays in the woods most of the way, with openings in meadows and at Christina Lake Reservoir and Atlantic Lake, which mark the headwaters of the Little Popo Agie River. You are guaranteed to find sections of solitude, though may encounter some other hikers and perhaps OHV riders on the dirt road near Christina Lake.
Need to Know
Per USFS rules:
1) Make sure to camp 200 feet from trails and water.
2) Dogs have to be leashed or under control (i.e. training collar or equivalent) at all times.
3) All food and attractants need to be suspended at least 10 feet high and 4 feet from a post or tree or stored inside a bear-resistant container.
4) Check current fire restrictions. Fire rings must be dismantled after use.
Runner Notes
I found this to be a great trail run with its mellow grade. Atlantic Peak is an easier peak to hike up and well worth the views for those looking to run up a peak.
Take Lake Louise Road to the Christina Lake Trailhead, near Fiddlers Lake. The
Silas Lakes Trail rises gradually through woods with short climbs. At about 2 miles, take the left trail at the junction for Christina Lake. This trail doesn't climb too much, and eventually merges with Cristina Lake 4WD Road. Some short ups and downs on this road terminate at Christina Lake Reservoir.
Pass some well used campsites along the lake and continue on the now slightly more aggressive Atlantic Lake Trail. The pristine Atlantic Lake will appear from the woods in a few miles. This is an excellent spot to enjoy lunch and the views of Atlantic Peak drainage. More lakes and the towering Atlantic peaks are further up the drainage, waiting for those who care to continue the adventure.
Shared By:
Justin Bowen