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The Genoa Trail System is about 17 miles of non-motorized trails in the Genoa area. All trails are non-motorized and open to runners, mountain bikes, equestrians and dogs. The two main trails are the Discovery Trail and Sierra Canyon Trail. The Genoa Loop and Eagle Ridge Loop comprise portions of these two trails with the lower sections following roads in and around Genoa to complete the loops.

Cellphone coverage is available along most of the trails. No fires are allowed throughout the year. There is no water on the upper half of the Sierra Canyon Trail and usually nowhere on the Tahoe Rim Trail between Kingsbury North and Spooner Summit Trailheads. The town of Genoa is a great place to relax before or after your trail excursion where you can find somewhere to eat or drink, shop, or read about the area history.

Camping & Lodging

Dispersed camping is not practical because of the steep terrain, however, flat areas near the Tahoe Rim Trail offer dispersed camping opportunities. Standard camping guidelines along trails are to camp at least 300 feet from the trail and 200 feet from water sources.

Recommended Routes in Genoa - 2

Trail Run Project is built by runners like you. Add Your Recommended Routes

Favorite 5,234' elevation; N39° 00.985' W119° 51.077'; excellent water source running under bridge.
Intermediate Intermediate

Eagle Ridge Loop Trail

6.1 mi 9.7 km 1,072' Up 326.72 m Up 1,055' Down 321.67 m Down

Indian…, NV
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Favorite Some beautiful scenery along the Discovery Trail.
Difficult Difficult

Genoa Loop

8.5 mi 13.6 km 1,443' Up 439.85 m Up 1,425' Down 434.42 m Down

Kingsbury, NV
Explore in 3D

Genoa Running

  • 18 Miles 29 Kilometers of Trail
  • 2 Recommended Routes
  • 0 Easy Trails Easy Trails
  • 3 Intermediate Trails Intermediate Trails
  • 3 Difficult Trails Difficult Trails
Trail Run Project is built by runners like you. Share what you know about this area!

Areas Within Genoa

Weather Averages

Days w/

Trails in Genoa - 4

Trail Run Project is built by runners like you. Add Your Trails

5.6 mi 9.1 km #1Discovery Trail
Intermediate Intermediate
Indian Hills, NV
Intermediate Intermediate
Indian Hills, NV
9.8 mi 15.8 km #2Sierra Canyon Trail
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Kingsbury, NV
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Kingsbury, NV
1.9 mi 3.0 km #3Lower Genoa Canyon Trail
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Kingsbury, NV
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Kingsbury, NV

Photos of Genoa - 16

Trail Run Project is built by runners like you. Add Your Photos

Some beautiful scenery along the Discovery Trail.
May 21, 2015 near Kingsbury, NV
Bench with a view.
May 21, 2016 near Kingsbury, NV
This photo is pretty indicative of trail width and steepness of hillside along trail. Plenty of room to walk. But if this concerns you, it is not the hike for you.
Feb 7, 2020 near Kingsbury, NV
5,234' elevation; N39° 00.985' W119° 51.077'; excellent water source running under bridge.
Oct 20, 2022 near Kingsbury, NV
5,599' elevation: N39° 01.451' W119° 51.006'
Oct 20, 2022 near Kingsbury, NV
Schoolhouse Canyon water source:  6,037' elevation. Coords: N39° 00.646' W119° 51.628'
Oct 23, 2022 near Kingsbury, NV
Just above Genoa Canyon TH.  5,067' elevation.  co ords: N39° 00.034' W119° 51.122'
Oct 23, 2022 near Kingsbury, NV
Trail sign. 5,767' elevation: co ords: N39° 01.241' W119° 51.561'
Oct 23, 2022 near Kingsbury, NV

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