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Visitors to the Everglades will be amazed by the variety of ecosystems that exist within this magnificent park and a visit to Mahogany Hammock showcases yet another unique feature found within the Everglades.

Hardwood hammocks are an elevated grove where many different types of hardwood trees can be found growing in concert with each other. The Florida Everglades have a unique ecosystem the fosters the growth of tropical tree species such as Gumbo Limbo, mahogany, and cocoplum, in addition to more temperate species such as maple or live oak.

These species tend to grow in slight rises, where their root systems and the small gain in elevation protect the trees from seasonal flooding. As leaves and other detritus from these great trees begins to decay, they produce a very weak acid, which dissolves the limestone surrounding the hammocks, and creates a moat-like hollow that in turn protects the trees from fire.

The Mahogany Hamock visible from the Mahogany Hammock Trail is a wonderful place to see this type of ecosystem in its natural setting. From the well maintained boardwalk, visitors can meander under the dense canopy of the tree, and take in the large variety of plants and animals growing in the shade of these broad-leafed trees. If your goal in visiting the Everglades is to witness the unique ecosystems that the park has to offer, your visit won't be complete without a stop at the Mahogany Hammock.

Short Walk: A short trail will lead visitors around the hammock on an elevated boardwalk.

Gem Type: Other

Shared by:
Mikhaila Redovian


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Shared by Mikhaila Redovian on Jun 30, 2016. All Page Views: 673. Last Month: 5.

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