Dogs No Dogs
Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Note: the bridge over Boulder Creek (at the 0.09-mile mark) was heavily damaged in the September 2013 floods but is now fully repaired.
There is minimal handicap-only parking at the trailhead on the north side of Valmont Road; however there is a large parking area about 275 yards to the east at the Teller Lake trailhead, with a well-maintained path between the two. The trail starts off as crusher fines and maintains a width of about 5 feet. About 50 feet down the trail, an 11% grade for 20 feet occurs. This section often gets washed out, creating some tricky little gullies.
After about 0.5 mile, it crosses over railroad tracks and turns into road base dirt/gravel. Maintaining a width of about 10 feet, the trail runs along a fenced-off private lake and wetland area. After crossing the bridge at 0.9 mile (see Restrictions note below), the trail begins to open up into prairie land. At this point the trail is on a slight uphill grade. After another 0.25 mile it reaches the base of a hill with two cottonwood trees that provide shade on hot days.
Continue north as the trail winds its way up the hill. After a 90 degree right-hand turn, the trail swings back, headed north as it parallels W Phillips Rd. At approximately mile 1.75 the trail heads directly east, diverging from the road, contours slightly, then heads north as it drops into a small wash. Follow the general contours of the wash as the trail winds north, eventually meeting with
East Boulder - Gunbarrel.
Flora & Fauna
The White Rocks Trail winds through lush farmland and a riparian area. This makes it conducive to diverse wildlife and vegetation. Bald eagles, Great Blue Herons, Canada geese and many other birds can be seen in the area. Deer are also in abundance.
Shared By:
Tom Robson
with improvements
by Dave Reed