Dogs Leashed
Runner Notes
This trail is very rocky in spots - stride carefully!
Start off on smooth singletrack, head down, then up through a wash and look for a nice overlook that provides views of the town. After the overlook, continue on a fun section to Oak Creek. You'll then parallel Oak Creek for about a mile. It's very pretty, but the trail is littered with soccer-ball sized polished rocks. So, despite the lack of elevation change, the going can be slow.
Eventually, you'll be below Midgley Bridge and HWY 89. Cross the stream here, which may be a few feet deep (though you can probably stay dry by hopping rocks). Tough climbing leads up and out of the canyon. Take a left and you'll be at the trail's end at the Midgley Bridge trailhead and Oak Creek Vista.
Look out for poison oak along the creek bottom.
There might be a slight preference for the south-to-north direction, as described here, but it's good either way.
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Condor77 77