Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Wildflowers · Wildlife
This trail passes by what remains of the Eli Van Leuven Cabin, as well as the family burial plot. There was once a small community in this area that was based around agriculture, hunting, and gathering.
Starting at the West Trapps parking area, you'll find the trail near the entrance to the parking lot, opposite the gatehouse. You'll soon find a yellow-blazed trail called
Enderly's Path on the right. Continue straight across a few bridges and planks. You'll then need to cross Clove Road.
The first sign of the community that once existed will be the stone fences and boulder piles. Farmers removed these stones from their fields and put them in piles. The family burial ground is on the left, as is the Eli Van Leuven Cabin. There is a gravel road that goes to the cabin. You can follow this out of the woods and walk about a half mile up 44/55, but the better option is to return the way you came and enjoy the woods. Either option gets you back to the West Trapps parking area.
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Gunks Jesse