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Runner Notes
This trail can be very rocky at times, especially in the switchbacks.
The trail starts in a very large parking lot off of Golden Gate Rd. If needed there are restrooms at the trailhead. While the first section of the trail sees quite a bit of traffic, very few continue over the ridge.
Your run will start in a large sandy wash and remains relatively flat for 1.5 miles. Much of the trail is overgrown with creosote bushes and large prickly pear cacti, but it should be easy to follow the correct path. Don't let the level grade fool you; the sand makes this portion of the run fairly strenuous. Once you get out of the sand you're in for a steep, quick climb up a series of rocky switchbacks to reach a ridge where Sendero Esperanza intersects with
Hugh Norris Trail.This will be the high point of the trail. You can see several of the surrounding mountain ranges from this point including the Santa Catalinas, Santa Ritas, and Quinlan mountains.
Continue south descending a fairly steep slope. Within a mile of the start of your descent you'll start to see the ruins of a once prosperous copper mine. Most of the mine shafts have been closed off, but if you find one that isn't it is best to stay out them. They may not be structurally sound and can contain poisonous gases. You'll also see an old brick shed that was used by the mining company in the early 1900's.
After another half mile you'll reach Mam-A-Gah picnic area and an intersection with
King Canyon Trail. At this point you can either turn around, or if you planned ahead, meet up at the King Canyon trailhead a mile south for a quick shuttle back to where you started.
Shared By:
Austin Thomas