Dogs Off-leash
Birding · Fall Colors · Wildflowers · Wildlife
While not frequently used, this trail section is a lovely escape from the every day. Former construction made this route tough to navigate, but runners will enjoy this densely wooded, rolling stretch of trail.
Runner Notes
This section (the first mile of trail in the north) is coming back into shape after a radical USFS program to make it nearly impassable.
The northernmost portion of this section of the
Sheltowee Trace had been obscured by the USFS but is once again taking shape.
If you're not backpacking in, you can park at the 49er (truck stop) at exit 49 on I-75 or drive further down the Trace to a pull off before the trail becomes undrivable.
Working with the Forest Service recently the Sheltowee Trace Association has worked to clear trees and cut back vegetation from the trail to reclaim this section of Kentucky's longest trail. The tank traps are still there, but there are stretches of trail that are slowly coming back into shape. At the north end, you'll have to wind through the bollards-on-steroids but otherwise the trail should have only short sections of rough tread. There are some sections of bare sandstone to run over to take your mind off the terrain.
Only a mile is difficult, the rest of Section 24 is quite good. After escaping the dreaded mile, the Trace follows first an old logging road and then picks up a gravel road for a short distance before cutting off on another singletrack run down into a dark, green Kentucky holler.
Shared By:
Chris Chaney