Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fall Colors · Lake · River/Creek · Swimming · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
On 9/29/19 the second half of the trail was closed and a detour was put in place. On the detour we could see there was construction near the trail going on.
Running to the detour is ~2.5 miles the Bridger Look-off Trail is ~0.8 mile and will connect you to the beginning of the
Mill Hollow Trail. Continue on that for ~0.4 miles to connect back with the Logan River Trail.
This route follows the Logan River pretty closely and allows for spectacular views of cliffs on both sides of the river, as well as some amazing forest canopies, and two beautiful reservoirs.
There are definitely a lot of users on this trail including mountain bikers, runners, and walkers.
Starting from the parking lot either by the gate or across the road, you can start up the trail that leads to the Stokes Nature center, pass by it and continue past other gates and continue on past the weir station (in the river bed) and then past Second Dam and some more gates.
The trail narrows to singletrack after Second Dam, but is still very distinct and continues all the way up to the Bridger Campground where it widens again to a road. Just follow it through the campground and then continue on the other side until you get to Third Dam and the parking lot there.
There are no difficulties except some switchbacks after Second Dam that really aren't that difficult, but just steeper than the rest of the very gradual climbing that occurs on the road-like trail that composes most of the rest of the run.
This is a great trail for a rainy day as most of the trail has a bit of gravel to keep things from getting too muddy.
Shared By:
Tomsen Reed
with improvements
by Kath Thom
and 1 other