Dogs No Dogs
Birding · Lake · River/Creek · Views · Waterfall · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Bring bear spray.
Runner Notes
The trail to the campsites is nice, but expect bushwhacking to the waterfall.
At the head of Glenns Lake, the trail for Mokowanis Lake heads south. It's more of the wonderful, lush forest as you cross over the Mokowanis River. There is one more tributary to cross over and that is Pyramid Creek. Just upstream from the crossing, lies a waterfall not visible from the trail. The view from the log bridge over Pyramid Creek is great as you're looking across Glenns Lake.
After the creek crossing, the trail lazily wanders through trees with pocket meadows. Views of the surrounding peaks are visible as you wander through the woods. You reach the lake and run around to the head of the lake where there are two campsites and a fantastic view of the lake and Pyramid Peak looming over it.
The trail continues on past the campsites in a bushwhacking affair that takes you to the base of Pyramid Falls which is worth the effort.
This content was created by Jake Bramante of Hike 734. Visit for more expert Glacier content and maps that help you decide which trail to run.
Flora & Fauna
A wide variety of forest flowers such as arnica, spiraea, beargrass and gentian. Bears and moose are possible along the trail with small birds and mammals in the forest. Waterfowl such as goldeneye frequent the lakes.
Shared By:
Jake Bramante