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River/Creek · Views
Runner Notes
The trail may be heavily populated, and there is a steep descent to the creek, but this one would be a fast, shorter loop.
This route departs from the busy Mazama Campground and Village, so you may find that you'll be sharing your route with many other visitors. Whether you access the trail from the official starting point behind the amphitheater or from one of the various campground loops, you'll soon be transported to wilderness.
This trail is a tale of two routes, and you'll either be skirting the rim of the canyon, or you'll be following along Annie Creek. Starting from the official trailhead and moving counter-clockwise, you'll enjoy a few moments of the canyon rim before the trail switchbacks down through the canyon to meet the creek.
Follow the creek upstream, enjoying the cooler temperatures and shade provided by the dense coniferous forests. Lodgepole pines dominate here, but you'll be able to see hemlock and fir interspersed as well. After about a mile, you'll find your route leading you back to the canyon rim, the campground, and civilization.
From there, work your way back to either your car or your campsite, having enjoyed a brief outing in the woods.
Visitors can also cut this loop short by using one of two cutoff trails, located in the northern portion of the loop.
Flora & Fauna
Pines, firs and hemlocks all shade the area, but that doesn't mean that wildflowers don't thrive. Keep an eye out for lupine and violets, especially in the spring.
Shared By:
Mikhaila Redovian