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This loop includes long-distance views, river overlooks, and interesting geological formations.

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2,195' 669 m


1,638' 499 m


735' 224 m


740' 226 m



Avg Grade (3°)


Max Grade (16°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Fall Colors · River/Creek · Wildflowers · Wildlife


The route is mostly trail with some old road and a little bit of the Centennial Trail. There are great views from the top of Pine Bluff, a scenic section that follows along the Spokane River, and a rocky section that will lead visitors through geologic basalt formations. The trail surface becomes rocky in sections especially as visitors travel through the basalt formations.

Need to Know

You'll need a Riverside State Park Discover Pass to park at the trailhead. They can be purchased at the State Park or at various locations in Spokane or online. More information can be found here:

Runner Notes

Lots of rocks in sections of this trail route.


This route starts with a short incline on Pine Bluff Road. Be careful here and watch out for cars. Look for Trail 25 (North) on your right, and start heading this way.

You'll remain on Trail 25 (North) as it continues out to a terrace between the dry Deep Creek below and Pine Bluff above. Be sure to look up at the basalt cliffs above you. At the first junction you turn left and head uphill to the top of the Bluff. There are benches there to catch your breath after the climb and views to enjoy.

Stay on the trail that goes past the benches close to the Bluff - it forks soon. Take the left junction to stay on Trail 25 (North) which heads inward from the bluff. Follow the trail across the bluff, and as it starts to go downhill watch for the next junction is to the right- Trail 401. Take Trail 401, but you'll only be on this one for a short while.

The next junction that you'll reach takes you back to Trail 25 (North). Turn right and follow Trail 25 for just a little bit before coming to Trail 400. You'll take a left here, which will take you to the Centennial Trail.

When you reach the intersection with the Centennial Trail, take a right to reach the picnic area by the Deep Creek Bridge. This is a beautiful spot to enjoy the river. If you have time explore Deep Creek Canyon, you won't be disappointed.

When you've finished exploring, keep a look out for a rock fall where you'll see a sign and a trail going up into the rocks. Take this trail up into the rocks above the canyon. It is a lava/basalt field and great for photographs. Not a lot of vegetation as of yet. As you go up make sure you look back at the bridge below and the rock formations across the creek.

At the top of this rocky route, turn left on Trail 25 (North) as it goes down into Deep Creek. Head up Deep Creek watching for the continuation on the left where Trail 25 (North) goes up to the other side. There you'll find an old road.

To get another view of Deep Creek formations find your way out to the road, watching for the overlook to the left. Then retrace your steps back from the overlook, and continue on the road.

Eventually, you'll come to a white gate where you'll pass through. Once you've reached a parking lot, look for a trail that leads back to the creek on the right. While there are no signs, it will take you down and then back up to the starting point. There are 2 choices of trails - both lead up to the parking lot.

Flora & Fauna

Fall colors and spring wildflowers.

History & Background

This basalt outcroppings here are 16 million years old. There are Pillow Basalt formations from the volcanic gasses and also an area of Latah formation which is siltstone, claystone and sandstone and can contain fossils from a much wetter time.


Shared By:

Karen Jurasin

Trail Ratings

  4.9 from 8 votes


  4.9 from 8 votes
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in Washington


12 Views Last Month
5,459 Since Nov 13, 2015
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



The view back down the canyon of the Spokane River and the Deep Creek Bridge as seen from Trail 411.
Nov 13, 2015 near Fairwood, WA
Basalt formations and the trail on the way up from the picnic trail (Trail 411).
Nov 13, 2015 near Fairwood, WA
The Deep Creek Bridge and picnic area on the Centennial Trail.
Nov 13, 2015 near Fairwood, WA
The viewpoint from Pine Bluff
Feb 19, 2016 near Fairwood, WA
A large geologic formation rising above the trail!
Feb 19, 2016 near Fairwood, WA
The view across Deep Creek to the "Top Hat" formation as seen from Trail 411.
Nov 13, 2015 near Fairwood, WA
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Feb 9, 2020
Kate Samp
Aug 27, 2017
Hadley Gunnell
Did a mixture of this run plus trail 25 to get some more mileage, beautiful day, trail is in good shape, great views and river access from one point! 7.8mi
March 2025

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