Dogs Unknown
Fall Colors · Wildflowers
Foot traffic only.
This loop is an easy, rolling trail with few steep grades. The Fleur-de-lis, which is French for lily, is a design or symbol that can be seen on the flag of the City of St. Louis.
The soils of Champ Park are windblown and highly erosive. As a result, the creeks running through the park have cut through the soil creating very steep creek banks. These deep creek beds are a unique aspect of the park.
During the summer months, you can enjoy a shaded run under the majestic oaks and hickories along the trail. The trail winds its way through the scenic woodland made up of dogwoods, redbuds, and spice bush. During the spring, you'll likely see many wildflowers such as Jack-in-the-pulpit, green dragon, bellwort, and Dutchman breeches. As the tree leaf out and begin to shade the woodland floor, the wildflower display fades.
The trail meanders through the woods before coming to an open field. A portion of the field was planted as prairie; however, the site has never been managed by fire due to its inaccessibility. This open field is home to other wildflowers such as asters, goldenrods, and sunflowers.
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St. Louis County Parks