Dogs No Dogs
Fall Colors · River/Creek · Swimming · Views · Wildlife
This is a good mostly-year-round running option in the northwest corner of the state. There's a campground when you reach the terminus of the trail, with what appears to be some sort of travois-turned bed. Who is camping there in January? Grizzly Adams, is that you? It's about 6 miles roundtrip, with minimal elevation gains–perfect for the cabin fever that sets in mid-January.
View: There are several spots with great views along this trail. Mt. Shuksan can be seen as you make your way up the Baker River trail. There are also a couple of river and creek crossings over beautiful waterfalls and cerulean streams. Be warned, however, Shuksan is not visible when it’s cloudy. So if that’s why you’re swiping right on this trail, try again on a sunny day.
Snapchat-ability: The absolute worst. Since there are no significant (elevation) gains on this trail, cell service is non-existent. If you pull a Hugh Glass and get attacked by a bear, it’s gonna be a 30-mile run before you can add your SOS to your Snap story.
Shared By:
Janae Brewster
with improvements
by Tash W