Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Spring · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Open every day from dawn till dusk.
Red Loop is a short 1.5 mile route that takes you through a variety of habitats, running through forest, meadows, and wetlands.
Need to Know
The meadows can be very sunny so bring your hats and sunscreen.
Runner Notes
The area near Crum Creek can get muddy when it rains.
Red Loop runs through the 55-acre Hildacy Farm Preserve and contains a diversity of habitats that attract abundant wildlifeparticularly birds. The trail runs from the parking lot down a hill through the forest to Crum Creek before opening up into a meadow. Take a right across a bridge and you'll find the Serpentine outcropping along the
Purple Loop.
Keep to the left to continue along the
Red Loop along Crum Creek. Eventually you'll see a crowd of new trees where the Preserve is planting a riparian buffer. Make your way up a hill and along a forest trail till you get to Hilda's Meadow, a wide open green space.
Then head back through the forest to loop back to the parking lot. There are several trails that connect with the
Red Loop, so you can visit several times and add variety into your journey.
Flora & Fauna
Hildacy Farm has native grass meadows with big bluestem, little bluestem, Indian grass, and broomsedge as well as wildflowers such as goldenrod, black-eyed Susan, and butterfly weed.
Birds include Wood Duck, Belted Kingfisher, American Kestrel, Baltimore Oriole, Eastern Bluebird, and resident Red-shouldered Hawk. There is a birding checklist available during office hours in the main building.
History & Background
Hildacy Farm Preserve is the headquarters of Natural Lands Trust. A wetland created from the former farm pond is home to a variety of native plants and animals.
Shared By:
Mae Axelrod