Dogs Off-leash
Birding · Views · Waterfall · Wildlife
Runner Notes
The ascent from Holdsworth carpark is benched and easily runnable at all times. The last few hundred meters of climbing is on steps.
The route to the summit of Mount Holdsworth (1470 meters) is exposed to winds but otherwise straight-forward.
After ascending the
Gentle Annie Track, the run beyond Mountain House Shelter follows the Mount Holdsworth Track up passed the Powell Hut to Holdsworth Summit. It climbs through beech forest that reduces as the bushline and Powell Hut is approached (1200 meters).
Just below the hut, a rocky outcrop gives an excellent view of High Ridge and Totara Flats far below in the Waiohine valley.
Powell Hut is a well-equipped hut on the Mt Holdsworth - Jumbo Circuit, and a popular winter destination for fitter day visitors because it is probably the quickest route to reach the snow-covered tops of the Tararua Range.
Shared By:
Kerry Suter