Dogs Leashed
Fall Colors · River/Creek · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Runner Notes
This trail is ideal for running. The Barkley 50K runs along this trail!
This trail is a nice, well-marked trail with plenty of wildflowers in the spring. Quite a few people use this trail as part of a bigger loop when running to the observation tower and tub springs. The creek/river runs alongside most of the trail, which makes for pleasant ambiance along the way. On the way out, visitors will enjoy a steady climb, which eventually culminates at the Tub Springs campsites.
Flora & Fauna
There are too many to list but here are the May - June Wildflowers:
Black Snakeroot, Blue Eyed Grass, Bowman’s Root, Canada Lily, Carrion Flower, Cross-Vine, Daisies, Fleabane, Dutchman’s Pipe-vine, Galax – Galax aphylla, Ginseng, Greenbrier, Hawkweed, Heat’s-a-Bustin, Hispid Buttercup, Indian Cucumber, Indian Pipe, Lion’s Feet, Lyre-leaved Sage, Miterwort, Patridgeberry, Pipsissewa, Pussy-Toes, Queen Anne’s Lace, Ramps (wild onions), Robin Plantain, Showy Orchis, Southern Harebel, Starflower, Stone Crop, Trumpet Creeper, Twayblade, Wild Comfrey, Wild Hydrangea, Wild Lettuce, Wild Yam, Yellow Star-grass.
Shared By:
James Smith