Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fall Colors · Lake · Views · Wildlife
No courtesy rules are explicitly stated for the gravel margin.
Asphalt path courtesy rules: Inside lane: runners, walkers, baby strollers; clockwise direction recommended. Outside lane: bicycles and skaters; counter-clockwise direction only.
In summer and fall algal toxins can affect swimming by you or your pet. See… for current status.
Runner Notes
The gravel has occasional potholes which become puddles on wet days.
The gravel inner margin of the asphalt loop bounding Green Lake is a pleasure to run on. Much of it is generously wide, and it occasionally feeds onto dirt shortcuts. At a few points, one is forced onto asphalt to cross a bridge or skirt a building.
Flora & Fauna
Commonly seen animals include ducks, toads, cormorants, loons, herons, geese, turtles, raccoons, rats, squirrels, bats, hawks, eagles, and osprey. Pink and white cherry trees on the west side were donated by the Japanese government in the 1930's.
Shared By:
Ben Stephens