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1. Don't leave anything behind, especially your foot track.
2. Don't take anything with you that you think is interesting, even a picture/photos.
This heavily forested route is well trodden, so it's unlikely that you'll get lost. Note that when completed in a loop as mapped here, you'll begin in East Java, and end in Central Java.
The trailheads are only separated by about 200m, however. On the way, you can expect steep grades and a rocky trail. Though the going isn't easy, the scattered views along the way and the peak itself are ample rewards. Once you've enjoyed the views at the top, continue on the path for a similar descent.
Lawu is a sacred place in the land of Java. Hargo Dalem is believed to be the place of PAMOKSAN (journey to the heavens) Bhrawijaya Pamungkas. Hargo Dumiling is believed to be the place of PAMOKSAN Ki Sabdopalon, and the Hargo Dumilah is a place of mystery that is often used as a venue for inner reflection and meditation.
It is said that Lawu Mountain is the center of spiritual activity in Java and therefore it is closely linked with the tradition and culture of Mangkunegaran Palace.
Everyone who wishes to go to the peak must understand the unwritten restrictions on words and deeds. If the restrictions are violated the offender is believed to have bad luck as a result.
These other places are believed to be mysterious by locals: Sendang Inten, Sendang Drajat, Sendang Panguripan, Sumur Jalatunda, Crater Candradimuka, Repat Kepanasan/ Cakrasurya, and Pringgodani.
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Diprint D'Wibowo