Dogs Unknown
Birding · Lake · Views · Wildlife
If you start from the south you'll notice the elevation because you'll be going up...north. This route is not a loop trail, so to run the full trail and get back to your car, you'll have to return the way you came. If the full 7+ mile outing seems like a bit much for one day, you can bring two cars, and leave one at the southern trailhead where the trail starts, and another at the northern trailhead.
The way is marked by yellow or golden color trail I.D. blazes. Some of the blazes have faded a little in the southern section of the trail, so keep an eye out. The northernmost part of this trail does offer a loop section from the north trailhead, and this portion has golden with white blazes, distinguishing it is a loop trail.
There are park forest roads and other unmarked trails in the area, but if you focus on following the blazes, you'll stay on track.
Shared By:
Ray Holloway