Dogs Unknown
Time and space.
Runner Notes
The occasional Mena physician will frequent this trail. If you meet anyone on this trail simply nod and address them as "Doctor" and you'll hear an echo of the same.
Here Einstein chewed pencils and played pickup sticks with Aquinas whilst listening to the Talking Heads and Indigo Girls.
Inner peace, inner space, innards in general, have one thing in common: at the moment they are all very much "In." The Dali Lama, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and local hipster chefs agree: to get "In" you need first to find the "Out." The outer peace, the outer space, the ribs and the slab bacon; they all go hand in hand and yet, they all remain illusive if they are sought separately. This tiny trail has been contemplated by physicists and philosophers alike, yet no secular socialites have been able to break its code.
My apologies for not being able to describe how to arrive at the trailhead or to leave.
On this trail physics and metaphysics combined and the electromagnetism was so grand that spacetime created a magnificent jolt and the trail itself bent back to its head and a continuous loop was created, adding to the gloriously spun networks of trails connecting place and time and purpose throughout the universe.
Do not run this trail if you are late to sup in social situations which do not serve adult beverages as it will misconstrue all appointments, especially those requiring polite political conversation and punctuality.
Do not run this trail if you are pondering Occam's razor or reading L. Ron Hubbard. The more inner you go, the sharper the Quinque Viae. Only God knows where that will lead us.
Run round and round and round and wild.
Shared By:
il coyote