Dogs Unknown
Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Spring · Views · Wildlife
Runner Notes
Crying in the rain is okay on this trail.
This exquisite little loop is combo day spa and Lancelot and Guinevere. Beware: it will bring you tears during Spring rains. Run this if you believe in fairies, you'd rather stay in bed and sulk, or you need to divulge secretes.
The trail is a must-run during the spring. The elegant mountainside coerces gentle spring showers to trickle and congregate further down the trail as you travel. The sound begins with a whisper and climaxes in an echo at the bottom of the hollow, and there at the lowest point is the stream crossing. The fleet of foot easily jump the rushing stream. The young of foot jump in and shout their joy. You have two choices after you leap: follow the blaze out, or follow the
Inner Loop Trail to extend your run. We know what you'll do.
Flora & Fauna
Hidden fox den, and a pristine thick moss carpeted trail. No North American Yeti have been observed on this loop
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il coyote