Dogs Leashed
Views · Wildflowers
After wet weather, this trail is very muddy or wet and can be impassible. It is the drainage channel that all of the washes feed into.
Runner Notes
This trail is the "low road" to the
Levee Trail's "high road"—they run parallel, but the
Levee Trail is a gravel road. All of the wash trails in the park connect to the Channel Trail and most can be reached from the Levee.
This trail parallels the
Levee Trail at the southern border of the park. You can run either one, but the
Levee Trail is a gravel road on top of the levee while the Channel Trail is soft dirt. There are a few places where the trail goes over a rise to go around a couple of dams within the channel. Be safe and follow the trail. Going over the dams is possible, but nobody wants to fall onto concrete.
Many people run the
Levee Trail, but there is not a lot of traffic on this one.
Flora & Fauna
In the spring, a lot of wildflowers usually grow in the channel.
Shared By:
Doug Baer