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Runner Notes
Best not to run this at busy times as it can be quite crowded.
The Cathedral Cove Track is a short, paved access trail for several picturesque beaches and bays including the popular Cathedral Cove. Keep in mind that this destination is very popular and the car park and trail can be extremely crowded during the busy season (summer).
The trail itself is a relatively easy downhill most of the way to Cathedral Cove. Along the way, short spur trails lead to Gemstone Bay (a nice option for a snorkel. Not really a beach, more of a rocky cove) and Stingray Cove (more of a beach where you can walk and take in the views of the limestone cliffs from their base). Past these spur trails, the Cathedral Cove Track climbs to a nice viewpoint before descending several sets of stairs to reach Cathedral Cove itself.
Shared By:
Kristen McGlynn