Dogs Unknown
Fall Colors · Spring · Views · Wildlife
Runner Notes
The trail does not appear to be traveled often so be on the lookout for the red blazes on the trees to guide the way. Part of Tarletown Road had been flooded by beavers so be prepared to get wet.
This is an excellent uphill trail with amazing views at the end. On a clear day you can see to the White Mountains in the distance. If the trail were better maintained I would give it 5 stars, but it gets 4 for the view alone.
The trail is part of the Epsom Town Forest and is located on Tarleton Road. To get there take Route 4 East of the Epsom Traffic Circle to Center Hill Road on your right. Follow Center Hill Road up the hill past McClary Cemetery to Mountain Road on your right. Take Mountain Road until it fork to Tarleton Road (bear left). If road conditions allow, continue on unmaintained Tarleton Road to parking area on the left.
From parking area follow unmaintained Tarleton Road over Blake's Brook uphill past the Tarleton foundation and bear left at next intersection. Continue to follow the fire road bearing to the left again at next fork until you come to an opening (approx. 1 mile from parking area). The trail to the summit bears off to the left rising steeply. At the top of the hill, the trail levels off. Follow the trail across the ridge to a ledge and opening with a vista of Epsom and the far off mountains.
Shared By:
Terrence Beach Jr