Dogs Unknown
Runner Notes
A great escape from the sidewalks and other paved paths in the area. There are a couple of good hills that would be ideal for repeats or a mile-ish loop that would be a good option for intervals.
This loop of Churchill Park is on a wide, gravel path that heads through cow pastures, rolling green hills, and sections of native bush along a creek. The small park has some surprisingly varied terrain and a number of other connecting trails and loops if you would like to add a little variety to your run. There are also some nice views of downtown Auckland, and you can easily connect to various sections of the
Point to Point walkway to connect from Churchill Park to Glover Park, Roberta Preserve, or Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve.
Flora & Fauna
A variety of birds including pukeko, white-faced heron, kākāriki (parakeets), and tuī. The park is also home to cows so be sure to leave the gates as you found them.
Shared By:
Kristen McGlynn