Dogs Unknown
Part of the
Charmlee Wilderness Park Loop, the East Meadow Trail offers up great educational opportunities as you make your way back to the Nature Center.
The East Meadow Trail begins as the
Lower Loop Trail comes to an end. Heading north, the East Meadow Trail lasts for 4/10 of a mile. Along this interpretive trail, you'll learn how the vegetation of Southern California has adapted to the threat of fire over time. The trail will then come across the
Botany Trail, at which point the East Meadow Trail ends.
Thanks to John McKinney, The Trailmaster, for sharing this trail description. To learn more about trails in California, check out his guides at
The Trailmaster Store.
Flora & Fauna
Larkspur, mariposa lily, California peony, lupine, paintbrush, and penstemon can all be found in the meadows of Charmlee Wilderness Park, and are particularly colorful in the spring.
Stop by the nature center at the beginning of the run to learn what is currently blooming and to get a brochure that will interpret the East Meadow Trail.
Shared By:
John McKinney