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Runner Notes
Goleta Beach Trail portion of this loop will likely not be enjoyable for runners due to the soft and sandy terrain.
The Campus Beach Loop begins by following the
Campus Point Trail from the up-shore end of Goleta Beach. From here it follows the bluff-top path further up the shore. The singletrack path parallels the UC Santa Barbara campus access road as it meanders back and forth from the cliff's edge. After running for nearly six tenths of a mile, the trail will pass by a parking area for the UCSB Marine Science Institute before wrapping around the back of the building to border the Campus Lagoon. Once you've passed the back of the building, you'll link up with the
Campus Point Beach Connector, which will take you to Campus Beach. After you've enjoyed this popular beach, you can turn back down-shore and follow the
Goleta Beach Trail as it takes you along the sandy beaches below the cliffs.
After nearly three quarters of a mile of running along these beaches, which can only be crossed at low tide, you'll arrive back at Goleta Beach, thus completing the loop.
Thanks to John McKinney, The Trailmaster, for sharing this trail description. To learn more about trails in California, check out his guides at
The Trailmaster Store.
Shared By:
John McKinney