Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fall Colors · Spring · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Trail is open every day, dusk to dawn; please take any trash with you.
Runner Notes
Gets a bit soggy in wet months and after a big rain, shady through the woods, bright sun and sand in the blueberry field.
Blueberries! Blueberries started here and you can trace their path, from wild blueberries collected by locals, past the house of The Blueberry Queen, Elizabeth Coleman White who first developed wild blueberries into a commercial crop here in 1911-1916. Along the way, you'll cross the cedar bridge (built by volunteers) through a former blueberry field filled with cedars, huge ferns, mosses, lichens and blueberry bushes to the Blueberry Triangle Field where we still cultivate blueberries developed by Elizabeth. These fruits are ripe for picking in June-July, and open picking season is a treat, starting at the Blueberry Festival last weekend in June! Botanists will love the area, a feast for native, rare plants in the Pine Barrens. Takes you back to the edge of the historic village buildings and connects for a loop.
The trail can get wet after persistent rain and has some bumpy spots, so watch your step. The Landscape Crew is out here the first Saturday of each month from 10 - 3 working on the trails and gardens to add new paths and upkeep the native plants, join us! Free lunch included. Feel free to share pictures with #whitesbog or check in at Whitesbog Preservation Trust.
Flora & Fauna
Atlantic White Cedar forest, pink lady slipper orchid, pitcher plants, sphagnum bogs, Cinnamon Ferns, royal fern, Virginia creeper, mountain laurel, sweet bay magnolias, black oak, white oak, bayberry, inkberry, highbush blueberries, etc. (guided botany walks are available), Carolina Chickadees, Hummingbirds, Titmouse, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Eastern Nuthatches, Phoebes, Whip-or-Whill, Wild Turkeys, Migrating Warblers, Red-tailed Hawk, Monarch Butterfly, Eastern Swallowtail Butterfly, Blue Azure Butterfly, Skipper Butterfly, Spring Peepers, Carpenter Frogs, Wood Frogs, Cricket Frogs, Gray Tree Frog, South Leopard Frog, Pine Barrens Tree Frog, snakes, chipmunks, ground hogs, deer, moths
Shared By:
Allison Pierson