Dogs Unknown
Season wildlife closures.
This trail offers a longer option in this area for the more adventurous runners. From its beginning at Rip and Tear, this trail follows an old FS road grade for just under a half mile, where the
Mine Shaft Connector trail intersects with it. After that, the trail turns to singletrack for all but a couple of short sections of its length.
While the overall elevation drop favors running N to S, there is a significant up and down to the trail. The trail runs over five ridges and the creek drainages between them, giving constant changes to the elevation profile. You'll find yourself crossing a couple of FS roads and intersecting with a couple other trails along the way.
Runed all the way to the end, this trail brings runners back to highway 75, and a 2+ mile run up the asphalt back to the lodge. Crossing the highway and running the
Harriman Trail back up to the lodge is another option.
Since this trail is popular with mountain bikers there are features on the trail specific to those users, including high banked switchbacks and jumps. These help remind you that this is a multi-use trail and that regardless of right-of-way rules, you should be aware of other users on the trail.
Shared By:
Daniel Christianson