Dogs Unknown
The East Setauket trail is just over 15 miles of singletrack trail. The main loop is approximately 5 miles and has some tight spots, switchbacks, moguls, and climbs.
The 10 miles of diamond are the most intense that Long Island has to offer in terms of climbing. The downhill gradient is the steepest for any official Long Island trail that you'll find.
When taking the main loop you'll cross over an open field where you can see power-lines as far as you can see. You cross over and continue on the main and loop around into the first off-shoot trail known as BJ's way. You do that and then go back on the main and the next off-shoot is Wild Laurel followed by Switcharoo and then back to Wild Laurel. Then you go into the off-shoot trail that takes you into the new DBD Monster Mash climb.
Next, you'll come out and go into the main for a bit until you see a sign for Twisted Sister BD. Exit that and you'll be in the Far East and come back on the main to the power lines and cross back over. You continue on the switchbacks of the main and you'll see a very sharp left that you can easily miss that is a bailout and will take you back to parking lot on Belle Meade Rd.
If you do that you have done the first half of the east side of ES which is about 7.5 miles. If you don't take that bailout you'll continue on the trail for a bit that will take you to the second half of the trail. The first off-shoot trail you'll see should be Roller Coaster followed by No Dab and then enter the Chambers DBD which is 7 good hill climbs and downhills one after the other. After that there's 3.5 more miles of other trails that take you back to the main and to the parking lot.
Shared By:
Carl Thelemann