Dogs Unknown
Sheepnose is quite difficult if done from the lower portion of Ogden Creek, but much more fun and easier to follow if started from the smaller Trail M -Sheepnose Mountain trail. Sheepnose is all singletrack with heavy to moderate horse usage and is very far from the Southern section of trails. However, its beauty and the surrounding landscape is worth the trip.
Sheepnose connects to the Peterson Springs area and Trail K - Richardson Fire. Carsonite signs and Rock cairns mark the more southern sections of this trail. Wildlife sightings in this area are common. Elk, Turkey, Mule Deer and White Tail are seen on most occasions. Cougars are prevalent as well, so be wary. Poison Ivy is also present in the lower northern section and lowest southern section.
Travel south from Sheepnose Mountain and into Cole Canyon. From there, using the trails through pines and scrub oaks, you'll seen the signage for the uphill climb. Turn right here (see the marking) and follow the trail's switchbacks up. This section always seems to be loose and rocky. Proceed east looking for the cairns and then Carsonites across the sidehill. Pines have been planted here in wake of a fire. Soon after entering the burn area you'll run onto an old two track that was used for the fire. Proceed south and come to the junction of Richardson/Peterson where you'll descend to
Trail A - Ogden Creek. This descent is hard on knees, but gives a very wonderful view of the Government Valley prairie. Utilizing the rock cairns you'll find the descent into Ogden Creek.
Shared By:
Adrian Whitmore