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This route is part of the Campo Imperatore (The Emperor's Field) loop. If you survived the
Cancello Imperatore (The Emperor's Gate) trail and enjoyed your visit to the Campo Imperatore (or if you didn't), the Emperor still isn't done with you.
This trail starts in a hairpin of the provincial road SP97 near Rifugio di Lago Racollo (Mountain Hut of Lake Racollo), where you can probably obtain food and drinks in the summer months. Sections of this trail are singletrack and sections are doubletrack.
After 1.5 miles, there are the impressive stone ruins of what might have been a farm or barracks. You'll pass by a second small lake shortly after the ruins. Then you begin a climb through a small ravine towards the state road SS17bis. The climb is gentle at first but once you pass the third small lake the last half mile before SS17bis is significantly steeper.
If you have encountered a little bit of snow in the Campo Imperatore, you'll encounter a lot of snow in this ravine until you reach SS17bis. Apparently the Emperor extracts a high toll on those who would tread on his private meadow.
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