Dogs Unknown
Birding · River/Creek · Views · Wildlife
This trail is for winter use only when snow covered.
This trail starts near Polly's Crossing, near Corridor #19, off of NH Primary
Trail 2. The trail mostly follows an old woods road that parallels Corridor #19. This area is confusing as there are many other woods roads. The trail skirts the northeast side of Archer's Pond and crosses the low part of the pond on a bridge of stepping stones. The trail begins to climb a little here.
The trail crosses over Beech River on a bridge. The trail turns right into an open area just past a rusty gate. Here, the trail passes through some sort of makeshift shooting range; I would avoid this place if you start hearing banjos. Head to the far end of the range, where the trail re-enters the woods on the left. The trail climbs slightly to the top of the pit, then descends right to Corridor #19. Left onto Corridor #19 will take you to Center Ossipee; right will take you back to Polly's Crossing.
Shared By:
David Smith