Dogs Leashed
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Need to Know
$5 day use fee to park at Hebo Lake. Horse corral (less than a mile past Hebo Lake) and South Lake are free.
Runner Notes
Mt Hebo is super wet in the winter. Not advisable to run in winter—call ahead for conditions if you want to attempt it.
The southern end of the trail can get super brushy, be prepared for scratched legs!
Starting from the Hebo Lake Campground, head southeast on the trail and find yourself immediately immersed in the forest. The first few miles of trail are fairly steady climbing towards the meadows on the top of Mt. Hebo. In this section, you'll come to an intersection—stay to the right (left leads you to the horse corral and parking). The trail leads you through a recently logged unit where you can catch glimpses of other ridges in the distance and soak in some sunlight. As you cross FS 14 Rd. the trail widens and if you're lucky you'll start to see the Pacific Ocean through the trees. Soon after, you'll see the trees thin and find yourself in a meadow with picturesque views of the Pacific as well as the small communities in the valley.
Continue along the trail and cross FS 14 Rd again, and you more or less maintain elevation. After a very brief climb, you start a rapid descent with a few switchbacks. Be careful to maintain control on the descent—downed trees occasionally block the trail and you'll need to climb over/under them! At the bottom of the descent, you'll come to another intersection. Follow the sign (it's a hard left if you don't see the sign) around North Lake, and then continue on to South Lake.
Flora & Fauna
Plants: Sitka Spruce, Western Hemlock, Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, Salal, Sword Fern, Salmonberry, Huckleberry, Thimbleberry
Animals: Black Tail Deer, Roosevelt Elk, Mountain Lion, Cougar, Black Bear
Shared By:
Aaron Larkin