Dogs Leashed
River/Creek · Spring · Views · Waterfall
Running only!
Need to Know
There's at least one stream crossing, but it's easy to navigate across rocks.
The trail follows and crosses a small stream that flows from the top of the mountain to the larger creek below. The trail crosses the stream at least once and crossings are simple due to large rocks to step on.
The bottom of the trail is a small drop on one side and a rock wall on the other. The trail was maintained but may be overgrown in a few spots since the trail did not appear to be heavily used.
Poison oak is present along various parts of the trail.
The top of the trail connects into the
Wednesday Trail and the bottom connects into the
Froom Creek Trail.
There are a few abandoned concrete structures at the top of the trail that appear to have been used to control water flow.
Flora & Fauna
Poison oak is prevalent here.
Shared By:
Jeff Stallman