Dogs No Dogs
Birding · Wildlife
The Seaside Trail is open all year long as the closest access to the refuge beach from the parking areas.
Need to Know
All visitors must stay on the trail to maintain the fragile dune ecosystem.
Runner Notes
This trail is a bumpy trail through the dunes. It is also narrow so runners should be aware of other visitors on the trail.
The Seaside Trail provides great opportunities to see both freshwater wetlands and the dune ecosystem. The trail starts at the entrance of the smaller of the two parking areas, just to the right of the stop sign. Wooden boardwalk takes visitors through a section shaded by shrubby trees and then through the refuge dunes to the beach.
Fun Fact: The dunes at the wildlife refuge were created by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in the late 1930's. The CCC was part of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal program to pull the country out of the Great Depression.
Flora & Fauna
Wax myrtle trees, salt bush, a variety of wetland grasses, American beach grass and sea oats can be seen along this trail.
Turtles, snakes and dragonflies can be seen in the freshwater pond, particularly in the late spring, summer and early fall. Skinks are often seen in the dunes during the heat of the summer.
Shared By:
Erica Ryder