Dogs Unknown
Need to Know
No water, no shade.
Runner Notes
This would be a tough run up and some of the grade is steep enough that you would have a hard time running it all the way down. But, for hardy souls it would be interesting.
This trail starts at the PUD trailhead for the Reach 1 Trail (but this isn't that trail). The Chelan Butte Trail starts across the street and pretty much goes up, up, and up.
There are some small "Hiker" route signs along the way to keep you oriented and there are occasional benches to rest your feet. You are constantly rewarded with great views.
There isn't any shade and only a few trees along the way. Much of the route follows a ridgeline. The top of the ridge has a number of radio/communication towers. Reverse the route and come down.
Flora & Fauna
Deer, bear, bighorn sheep, lots of birds.
Shared By:
AJ Ritter