Dogs Unknown
The trail begins steeply after a signed hard left if descending the Brookside McCurdy Trail. After some tight turns, the trail drops into a canyon with some impressive rock walls. Crisscrossing the stream as the trail drops quickly at times, it alternates between soft pine needles and rocky sections. There is great water access and some shade in here.
After a couple miles it dumps out on a sunny and dry hillside, suddenly switchbacking up steeply to come out of the gulch and head west. The trail is pretty nice and following from here on out UNTIL mile 3.5 After the creek crossing, the trail crosses a road and appears to continue north towards the dirt road. But on the the map it continues traversing along what I can only conclude is an abandoned trail. Although I followed this route, I wouldn't recommend it. There's no real clear exit point to the road (as the map would suggests) without crossing a wire fence.
Either way the trail dumps onto a forest road that you can follow all the way back down to a gate by 285.
Shared By:
Trail Run Project Staff
with improvements
by Jordan G
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