Dogs Unknown
Views · Wildflowers
Need to Know
The trailhead is in a remote area with no facilities and there are only five to six parking spots. Bring water. The trail can be very muddy if it rained. Hiking poles are recommended.
The trailhead is located 1.75 miles past the Kaua'i Research and Extension Center while driving west on the Kuamoo Road. The trailhead is found on the right side with several parking spots. The first part is a moderate climb that goes though a lush tropical forest. At the end of the incline (30 to 40 min.), you'll arrive at a picnic shelter overlooking a valley. From there you'll get a nice view of Mount Wai'ale'ale, but the views get better as you continue. You'll come across an inspiring razorback giving you views of surrounding hillsides covered with lush vegetation and incredible ferns. Off in the east you can see the ocean. The Kuilau Trail ends when you encounter a small wooden bridge. The entire run should take you 2 to 3 hours.
Flora & Fauna
Ferns, birds
Shared By:
Patrick P