Dogs Off-leash
Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Views
Trail is often closed in wet weather.
Need to Know
Bathrooms exist at the Elkader City Park.
Runner Notes
Each quarter mile of the trail is marked with a sign, making this an ideal spot for repeats or time trials.
Trailheads exist at the Elkader City Park, near the swimming pool, and near the Fast Trak gas station on Highway 13 in Elkader.
Starting from the city park, the trail heads southeast in full sun for ~0.25 miles before passing under Highway 13 and entering the well-shaded Pony Hollow.
Right around the two mile mark, the trail crosses Grape Road and begins to follow Roberts Creek north. It follows this creek until it's northern terminus.
Flora & Fauna
The trail offers a great many views of woodland wildflowers, wild turkey, and deer, but is buffered by private property on both sides, so please stick to the trail.
Shared By:
Kenny Slocum